Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Driving Positive Change: Our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

At MAHESHWARI & CO., our sense of responsibility extends beyond the legal services we offer. As we strive to become leaders in the legal field, we unite exceptional legal talents within an environment that values growth, innovation and contribution to society. Our approach is hands-on, utilizing the latest in technology, knowledge management and client relationships, alongside rigorous research in evolving economic and legal arenas. This ensures our team is not only professionally advanced but also deeply aware of their potential to enact positive change.

We are dedicated to integrating our professional expertise with core moral values, aiming to create lasting relationships with our clients while making a significant impact on the wider community. Our commitment to social responsibility includes engaging in pro bono work, supporting various social initiatives, contributing to orphanages and providing regular assistance to underprivileged children, ensuring they receive quality education. At MAHESHWARI & CO., it’s about more than just law; it’s about fostering a better society through every action we take.

Maheshwari Foundation

In alignment with our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, MAHESHWARI & CO. collaborates closely with the Maheshwari Foundation, a philanthropic entity established by Mr. Vipul Maheshwari. This foundation is dedicated to elevating the living standards of society’s less privileged, ensuring every individual has the opportunity to live with dignity.  It envisages creating a society built on faith and virtue that overcomes poverty by a fair distribution of wealth, opportunities and resources.

Our Vision

Maheshwari Foundation is working towards building a just society by protecting children in overcoming the menaces of infant mortality, malnutrition, deprived education (either unable to enroll in the schools or even if they do enroll then the dropout rate remains much higher), etc. Even if the child manages to survive these adversities, the chance of becoming a labour remains much higher. The Foundation seeks to understand the needs of the disadvantaged children and to promote their well being. We believe that families, schools, non-profit organisations, businesses and government at all levels share complementary responsibilities in the critical tasks of raising new generations. The main objective of Maheshwari Foundation is to help the children from weaker sections of the society to have a healthy childhood and a quality education.

Current initiatives

Health & Sanitation Camps

These initiatives include Cancer Health Check-up Camps, Eye Camps and Child Vaccination Camps designed to offer critical medical services to those who lack access. Additionally, General Health and TB Check-up Camps provide essential screenings and treatments. The foundation also focuses on specialized camps like Health Education for Handicapped Individuals and emphasizes the importance of Sanitation & Hygiene. Educational initiatives aim to impart health knowledge to children, with over a hundred ongoing camps designed to create healthier communities.

Government Policy Awareness

One of the key objectives of the Maheshwari Foundation is to raise awareness about vital Government policies that can significantly impact lives. These include the Indira Awaas Yojana for housing, the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana for rural connectivity, and nutritional support through the Mid-day Meal Scheme. Awareness programs also cover employment and rural development initiatives like the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana, Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), educational initiatives like Sarva Siksha Abhiyaan, maternal health through Janani Suraksha Yojana and employment schemes like MNREGA.

Educational Initiatives

Education forms the cornerstone of Maheshwari Foundation’s initiatives, focusing on institutions like the SDMC Educational Society and promoting Girl Education. The foundation is proactive in implementing Smart E-classes for schools, which help in modernizing education and making it accessible. Efforts to improve community life include providing educational assistance to deprived children, ensuring they receive the foundational knowledge necessary for a promising future.

Upliftment of Girl Child/Women Empowerment

Empowering women and the girl child is crucial to societal advancement. The Maheshwari Foundation is actively involved in Child and Women Empowerment, offering Skill Development programs, supporting Bhagidari initiatives, and enhancing Anganwadi services. The foundation also provides Medical Aid during Pregnancy and Assistance at Child Birth, initiatives that have significant impacts on maternal and infant health.

Support for the Underprivileged/Poverty Alleviation

The Maheshwari Foundation is deeply committed to Poverty Alleviation and Rural Livelihood support. This involves generating employment, providing medical assistance, advocating for rightful payments and schemes, and introducing Self-Help programs like tea stalls for sustainable income. The foundation actively supports skill development and offers assistance in areas such as leprosy treatment, organizing community weddings, and efforts to reduce infant mortality.

Youth Empowerment and Employment

Empowering the youth is vital for societal progress. The foundation’s programs in Youth Empowerment and Employment aim to nurture skills, develop visions for the future, and offer seminars and lectures for educational enhancement. Activities designed to build confidence, leadership, and team spirit, along with platforms to discuss rights and duties, encourage youth to become active, informed members of their communities and to champion their own causes.

On-going endeavours

SDMC Educational Society

With the object to promote education among the weaker and remote sections of the society the Foundation is in the process of setting up an educational society, Sita Devi Mahesh Chand Shaikshanik Sansthan (SDMC Educational Society), at Gram Sambhalera, Village Mirapur, District Muzaffarnagar, U.P. The society will be adopting the highest standards of teaching and governance, and thereby emerging as a leading knowledge provider, involving innovative techniques to impart quality education to the students of the area.

This project will greatly benefit the students to fulfill their dreams by providing them with an opportunity of pursuing quality higher education.

Other Initiatives

The Maheshwari Foundation extends its philanthropic reach beyond health and education through several key initiatives aimed at improving judicial accessibility and supporting agricultural communities. The foundation has been vigorously campaigning for the establishment of a legal bench in Western Uttar Pradesh, a move that would significantly enhance local access to justice and legal resources.

In addition, the foundation dedicates considerable effort to advocating for farmers’ rights, particularly in securing timely payments for sugarcane producers. This initiative reflects a commitment to ensuring fair practices and sustainable livelihoods within the agricultural sector.

Successful Advocacy

Won ‘Jugaad’ case (KisanVahan) for the farmers

Vipul Maheshwari, at the helm of Maheshwari Foundation, has a profound commitment to addressing public interest issues. Notably, he championed the cause of over 40,000 families in Western Uttar Pradesh through the ‘Jugaad’ case, also known as the KisanVahan case. This significant legal battle involved the rights of farmers to use their vehicles for agricultural purposes, which were being restricted. Mr. Maheshwari represented these families with dedication and fought tenaciously in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, securing a landmark victory for the agriculturists, thus safeguarding their livelihood and rights.


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